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Online math courses — GIOS math learning platform

for grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

We help increase your academic progress,
get great results on tests, and prepare for
admission to top world universities.

Try out for FREE

Hello! My name is Gios.

I will help you learn better. Try our lesson for free!

is an interactive online math platform in TikTok style that skyrockets math and critical thinking development

Study on your own, with a teacher or a tutor

Learn math and develop cognitive skills

Get access to over 110 animated lessons

Catch up with or go beyond the school curriculum

What makes us special?

Students learn theory from short, interactive videos

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In these videos, GIOS meerkat explains the importance of math and its applicable perspectives while teaching the material brightly and engagingly.

After the theoretical part, students immediately back up their obtained knowledge with practice

The tasks in our lessons are created by the most qualified teachers.

How GIOS can benefit You

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GIOS Reviews:




Our Team

Natalia Limonova

Daryna Vasylieva

Yuri Karpenko

Natalia Limonova

Daryna Vasylieva

Yuri Karpenko


Why can’t I use GIOS for free?

Unfortunately, GIOS is not funded by the state, and we still do need funding to back up the servers, develop new materials and pay for teachers’ working hours.

Who develops training materials for GIOS?

Dozens of the best mathematicians and math teachers in Ukraine have contributed to the creation of our lessons. Some work in private schools, some study abroad, and some are active researchers at the Institute of Pedagogy. We bring together the best minds of Ukraine to give your children the highest quality materials.

How is learning math with GIOS different from other courses?

A teacher should do their best to engage a child in the subject at school. We have done everything to ensure that our platform would interest students in learning. To do this, we apply the most up-to-date teaching methods and technologies: gamification, interactivity, animation, applied assignments, and tasks that develop critical thinking. Therefore, it is fun and interesting for children to learn math with GIOS.

Is GIOS the same as

GIOS does not replace the school curriculum but rather deepens and complements it. Our lessons may be useful for self-paced learning and learning with a tutor. GIOS may also be applied at schools to make math classes more interactive and engaging. Our materials cover the main program topics and types of tasks commonly represented in tests, exams, and Olympiads.

Can I try GIOS out for free?

Yes, we provide You with an opportunity to take a free Math lesson on our platform.

Online math courses — GIOS math learning platform

Online math courses at the GIOS interactive school ✅ improve your knowledge ✅ teach to solve problems and equations ✅ be ready for an exam or test ☝ learn math in an interesting way.

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Мы надеемся, что ваш визит на math. com вызовет у вас большую любовь к математике как за ее красоту, так и за ее способность помочь решать бытовые проблемы.

Эйнштейн, Альберт (1879-1955)
Не беспокойтесь о своих трудностях в математике, уверяю вас, что мои труднее.

Дирак, Поль Адриен Морис (1902-1984)
Математика инструмент, специально предназначенный для работы с абстрактными понятиями любого вид и нет предела его силе в этой области.

Еграфов М.
Если спросить математиков, чем они занимаются, вы всегда получаете один и тот же ответ. Они думают. Они думают о трудном и необычные проблемы. Они не думают об обычных проблемах: они просто запишите ответы.

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